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Here are some pictures from
copperfoiling the
glass pieces of the lamp:
We have started with soldering this morning.
Here are some pictures which
show, how we solder
the larger gaps at the end
of the insect´s wings:
We use smaller pieces of
those pads. When they
are wet, they are good for
temporary filling up the gaps
while soldering.
The lamp was ready to get
off the mold tonight.
As usual I put 3 light bulbs
100Watts each
underneath the mold. Due
to the rather massive
wooden construction it took
much longer than usual,
until the wax was warm enough
to allow
separating the lamp from
the mold.
The "lower end" was kept
unsoldered to the
part of the lamp which was
at upper end of the
aequator of the lamp mold.
I have fixed the two
parts with my bridges,
this allowed to put them
together later very easy.